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发布时间:2009/11/19  阅读次数:893  字体大小: 【】 【】【

Constella Futures ToR 模板


The Objective – this should cover, fairly briefly what the aim of the consultancy work is, setting it in the relevant context etc. 为什么要做这项工作,要达到什么样的目的? 给一些相关的背景资料。

The Scope – the areas the project should address should be specified here. Any limitations, e.g. geographical, political, administrative etc., should also be set out. 顾问具体要开展的工作和活动,逐项列出来,比如该项活动会覆盖几个省,调研几个机构,工作在哪个层面,哪些问题可以触及,哪些不要涉及等等

Methodology – in input based ToRs, these will be very detailed telling the consultant exactly how the work should be carried out. Even in output based ToRs, some mention will probably be made of methodology , although here it should be expressed as “… the methodology should include but not limited to the following …”. 非常清楚地告诉顾问他们应该怎样开展自己的工作,使用什么样的方法。及时是产出导向的ToR,也应该列出可能的工作方法,比如设计问卷,访谈,从哪里搜集文献等等。


Reporting – in output based ToRs, this section is the crux – you should specify exactly what is required and in what format (written, oral etc.) the outputs you specify are required. Input based ToRs will also require some form of reporting and this should be specified, perhaps in a more limited fashion. 就这项工作应该向谁报告和沟通,什么时间应当提交什么产出,书面报告还是PPT,甚至多少页多少字等等都在此明确。


Timeframe – both the general project timeframe within which the consultant’s work will apply and the specific timeframes applicable to the consultant’s work should be set out here. 此项ToR的有效时间,以及顾问开展工作的大概时间表,比如估计最多用10天的时间进行问卷设计;10天进行现场考察;5天写报告;最终工作时间以顾问提交的timesheet为准等。

DFID (or other) Coordination – make a clear statement as to who the consultant will be responsible. If it is more than one individual, say so. If different parts of the work are for different people, again say so. Do ensure that one name is given, from DFID (or a partner organisation) who is the overall coordinator of the consultant’s work. 明确顾问应该向谁负责。强调在开展顾问工作中必须和GF4CHART协调进行,如果要访问某人,应当提前和谁联系沟通等等。主要是保证顾问工作在协调的状态下进行。


Background – include here all relevant background material, or sources of background material. The more relevant information you provide the more relevant the consultants proposal and subsequent work will be.




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